Where language fails,
the arts speak.


Alzheimer’s and other dementias can affect verbal communication. Creative arts therapists provide a means of expression for your loved one through the universal language of art, music, dance, drama and storytelling.



Where language fails,

the arts speak.

Alzheimer’s and other dementias can affect verbal communication. Creative arts therapists provide a means of expression for your loved one through the universal language of art, music, dance, drama and storytelling.

Where language fails,

the arts speak.

Alzheimer’s and other dementias can affect verbal communication. Creative arts therapists provide a means of expression for your loved one through the universal language of art, music, dance, drama and storytelling.



Lifestyle at the Greens: The C’s of Connection

We call the creative arts therapies the new best medicine in memory impairment as a means to find purpose, dignity, self-expression and joy.


The core of our best practices is to engage our residents in all the arts as a means of communication. The creative arts therapies go beyond singing and painting to provide communications and connections when words fail.

The Greens programming staff are licensed creative arts psychotherapists with specialties in art, music, dance/movement and drama. We are also a teaching and internship site for Master’s level students from area colleges and universities interested in learning and working with individuals with memory impairment.

On-going education programs connect residents to the world around them. These include lectures and conversations about historical figures, the arts, photography, travel, wonders of the world and today’s news.

We match our residents’ interests and their intellectual curiosity to diverse educational programs. Curiosity continues.

Sensory experiences create connections and can be a way to spark recall and reminiscence in the present.

Cooking classes with our chef awaken appetites. The Good Dog Foundation partnership provides pet therapy and interaction with our animal friends. “Scent sessions” by our visiting aromatherapist and gardening are other sensory experiences.

We are an active member of our community. Weekly visits include museums, aquariums, restaurants, ferry rides, ice cream, picnic outings and more.


Our intergenerational programs with public and private schools include a partnership with Sweet Readers and a one to one “buddy program” matching students with residents. Our Artist-In-Residence program is a partnership with SUNY Purchase providing education and entertainment for residents and their families.


All faith traditions are honored.

Weekly spiritual services include interfaith, Christian and Shabbat services. We have Bible study and Judaica presentations. We recognize the faith traditions of all our residents including holidays and celebrations with music, food and dancing.


Exercise is a daily part of The Greens lifestyle connecting residents to a stronger healthier body.


Programs include Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, Stretch and Strengthen, Fitness, Walking Club along with other individual and group fitness activities based on interest.


Live music fills our hallways, great room and gardens with everything from classical to rock & roll. Residents enjoy drumming, karaoke, and dancing. Often a resident with a musical talent will provide a spontaneous session.


Concerts for residents, families and the community are scheduled throughout the year. Our summer events include: Our Annual Concert on the Green, Jazz in the Garden, Ice Cream Parlor on the Porch and The Greens Palette.


Recreation is on-going in groups and independently with everything from bingo, group crosswords, name that tune, chess, trivia and jigsaw puzzles. Our beautifully landscaped secure garden provides connections to nature, gentle walks, meditation and socializing.


“Memory impairment can lead to feelings of internal and external disconnection, impacting the quality of a person’s life. At The Greens our staff is specially trained to provide programs for residents that honor the need for connection of mind, body and soul, as well as building relationships.”

Beth Liebowitz, Program Director

“Memory impairment can lead to feelings of internal and external disconnection, impacting the quality of a person’s life. At The Greens our staff is specially trained to provide programs for residents that honor the need for connection of mind, body and soul, as well as building relationships.”

Beth Liebowitz, Program Director

Our Dementia Care at the Greens

People with dementia can have a meaningful life. Each person with this disease manifests it in different ways based on their personal history. Research tells us that being involved in the arts affect thousands of neural pathways and helps release thoughts and feelings unable to be expressed through words.


Caring for individuals with dementia has changed and evolved over the years. At one time, the plan was for an individual to go from their home to a nursing home. Today we have learned more about the disease and know that going to a memory care assisted living is often more beneficial than staying at home with one caregiver. An assisted living community like The Greens at Greenwich may be the place for individuals to find new connections, friendships, joy and comfort in daily living.


The Greens is a vibrant community where socialization is key, and residents are guided through their individual journey developing coping skills and a sense of purpose in their new normal. We are always adapting our programs and activities as people change and understand their world differently.

The Greens at Greenwich is the only assisted living community
in Connecticut providing licensed and board-certified
therapists on staff in all the creative arts.

The Greens at Greenwich is the only assisted living community
in Connecticut providing licensed and board-certified
therapists on staff in all the creative arts.

The Greens at Greenwich is the only assisted living community
in Connecticut providing licensed and board-certified
therapists on staff in all the creative arts.

We are a community that provides
trusted memory care near you.

We're looking forward to speaking with you.

Click to call 203.486.8642 or complete the contact form to Schedule a Tour of our Assisted Living Community.
1155 King Street, Greenwich, CT 06831

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